Saturday, October 18, 2008

This Ape is Drinking Beer Doggy Style

Enjoying some Yuengling on tap at a great little British pub in Cocoa Village (yes in Florida). There's even a cool bull dog hanging out at the bar at Dog 'n' Bone. Pics to come:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Around the World in 6 Hours

I went to an "official" Sam Adams Beer Tasting on Monday at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival (going on till Nov 9th, so if you are in the area, check it out!)

I found it really funny that the tasting instructions were called "Romancing the Beer". I felt like I would totally get kicked out for making out with my beer and trying to steal second base. So I stuck to their four steps, just in case: Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouthfeel, and Finish.

We "romanced" four of their beers. We tasted Sam Adams Boston Lager, Sam Adams Light, Sam Adams Oktoberfest, and Sam Adams 13th Anniversary Lager. I wasn't too excited about the beers they were having us taste, since most of them you can get at your local grocery store or liquor store. And as any discerning beer loving ape will tell you "variety is the spice of life" (we don't just eat bananas people... stereotypes are terrible). I was excited about the 13th Anniversary Lager though... since I had never even heard about it. It was the darkest of all four beers with a nice light reddish brown color, it had a nice spice component on the nose with a nice dose of caramel malts, and the taste was sweet and earthy. A really nice special addition beer from Sam Adams, so good that my lady felt the need for me to go back and stand in the rain just to get some for us to share (the things one will do for monkey love). I would love to put a picture of this beer on this post, but since it is so new I can't find a picture of the bottle online (if it eve exists).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The last days of a sanctuary for beer-loving apes like me!

For months there have been mumbles and grumbles that the greatest beer bar in Florida (and possibly the South East U.S.) was going to be moving. I know what you are saying "they are just moving... don't be such a baby" (I'm at stomping elephant right now). True, but Redlight Redlight's current location is so perfect that I am afraid that they wont be able to duplicate the small "hole-in-the-wall" slash neighborhood bar feel that they have established with their Winter Park location. The mere fact that you have to go up some stairs is enough to make this hidden gem something completely unique in Central Florida, where bars have to be either Miami chic (glow in the dark Miami Beach mural included) or some sort of Disney-fied (Copyright Beer Guerrilla © 2008) theme bar. From what I have heard on the grape vine, the new location will be larger, have food (please have bananas, please have bananas, please have bananas), and an even larger selection of craft and imported beer. I will be checking out their new location as soon as they move with the hope that they will have the same magic as they had in their little beer-haven hideaway in Winter Park.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Beer Belt! The solution to drinking beer while swinging on a vine.

Have you ever felt like you needed to drink beer while grooming a friend or swinging from a vine? Are you the type of person that wants a Batman-style utility belt with the purpose of maintaining a healthy buzz? Want to have a six-pack (no, not six-pack abs) on your waist?

Then the Beer Belt is right for you! Less ridiculous looking than the novelty beer hat, with the added bonus of hiding that beer belly. It holds up to a six of your favorite frosty beverages around your waist for easy access for you and your friends. Also great for the on-the-go beer drinker and the beer lover that doesn't have any tables to put their beer down on.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Liberation… and it feels so good!

I missed the Vice Presidential Debate last night getting myself in the Halloween spirit. But, I have been catching up on all the ins and outs of the political dialogue taking place online. I personally hope all of the candidates believe in evolution. I'm not saying that I'm a scientist or anything, but tell me you don't see the resemblance between me and Lou Ferigno. And since I am feeling slightly political, I thought I'd drink Anchor Brewing Co.'s Liberty Ale

It pours a slightly clouded golden color with a generous head that dissipates pretty quickly into lace. As I was pouring it, I smelled mostly malts, reminding me of days in the school yard drinking Malta. After it's poured, the malt aroma is less pronounced and the nose is more dominated by the flowery aroma of the hops. I also get a little bit of citrus and spice. The flavor is very crisp and clean, the hops dominate the palette, but I'm getting a little bit of pineyness (just a drop of pinesol). I like how floral this beer is, reminding me of the greatness of this great land of ours, where man and ape live together hand in hand. Where we can have intelligent political discourse without trying to rip our heads open and pounding our chests in victory (you wouldn't want to do that with me, btw... Gorillas have the strength of at least 6 men. I would be the one pounding my chest in victory, if you know what I mean). Lets keep an open mind to everything, my good people… politics, beliefs, and most importantly beer.