Saturday, October 18, 2008

This Ape is Drinking Beer Doggy Style

Enjoying some Yuengling on tap at a great little British pub in Cocoa Village (yes in Florida). There's even a cool bull dog hanging out at the bar at Dog 'n' Bone. Pics to come:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Around the World in 6 Hours

I went to an "official" Sam Adams Beer Tasting on Monday at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival (going on till Nov 9th, so if you are in the area, check it out!)

I found it really funny that the tasting instructions were called "Romancing the Beer". I felt like I would totally get kicked out for making out with my beer and trying to steal second base. So I stuck to their four steps, just in case: Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouthfeel, and Finish.

We "romanced" four of their beers. We tasted Sam Adams Boston Lager, Sam Adams Light, Sam Adams Oktoberfest, and Sam Adams 13th Anniversary Lager. I wasn't too excited about the beers they were having us taste, since most of them you can get at your local grocery store or liquor store. And as any discerning beer loving ape will tell you "variety is the spice of life" (we don't just eat bananas people... stereotypes are terrible). I was excited about the 13th Anniversary Lager though... since I had never even heard about it. It was the darkest of all four beers with a nice light reddish brown color, it had a nice spice component on the nose with a nice dose of caramel malts, and the taste was sweet and earthy. A really nice special addition beer from Sam Adams, so good that my lady felt the need for me to go back and stand in the rain just to get some for us to share (the things one will do for monkey love). I would love to put a picture of this beer on this post, but since it is so new I can't find a picture of the bottle online (if it eve exists).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The last days of a sanctuary for beer-loving apes like me!

For months there have been mumbles and grumbles that the greatest beer bar in Florida (and possibly the South East U.S.) was going to be moving. I know what you are saying "they are just moving... don't be such a baby" (I'm at stomping elephant right now). True, but Redlight Redlight's current location is so perfect that I am afraid that they wont be able to duplicate the small "hole-in-the-wall" slash neighborhood bar feel that they have established with their Winter Park location. The mere fact that you have to go up some stairs is enough to make this hidden gem something completely unique in Central Florida, where bars have to be either Miami chic (glow in the dark Miami Beach mural included) or some sort of Disney-fied (Copyright Beer Guerrilla © 2008) theme bar. From what I have heard on the grape vine, the new location will be larger, have food (please have bananas, please have bananas, please have bananas), and an even larger selection of craft and imported beer. I will be checking out their new location as soon as they move with the hope that they will have the same magic as they had in their little beer-haven hideaway in Winter Park.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Beer Belt! The solution to drinking beer while swinging on a vine.

Have you ever felt like you needed to drink beer while grooming a friend or swinging from a vine? Are you the type of person that wants a Batman-style utility belt with the purpose of maintaining a healthy buzz? Want to have a six-pack (no, not six-pack abs) on your waist?

Then the Beer Belt is right for you! Less ridiculous looking than the novelty beer hat, with the added bonus of hiding that beer belly. It holds up to a six of your favorite frosty beverages around your waist for easy access for you and your friends. Also great for the on-the-go beer drinker and the beer lover that doesn't have any tables to put their beer down on.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Liberation… and it feels so good!

I missed the Vice Presidential Debate last night getting myself in the Halloween spirit. But, I have been catching up on all the ins and outs of the political dialogue taking place online. I personally hope all of the candidates believe in evolution. I'm not saying that I'm a scientist or anything, but tell me you don't see the resemblance between me and Lou Ferigno. And since I am feeling slightly political, I thought I'd drink Anchor Brewing Co.'s Liberty Ale

It pours a slightly clouded golden color with a generous head that dissipates pretty quickly into lace. As I was pouring it, I smelled mostly malts, reminding me of days in the school yard drinking Malta. After it's poured, the malt aroma is less pronounced and the nose is more dominated by the flowery aroma of the hops. I also get a little bit of citrus and spice. The flavor is very crisp and clean, the hops dominate the palette, but I'm getting a little bit of pineyness (just a drop of pinesol). I like how floral this beer is, reminding me of the greatness of this great land of ours, where man and ape live together hand in hand. Where we can have intelligent political discourse without trying to rip our heads open and pounding our chests in victory (you wouldn't want to do that with me, btw... Gorillas have the strength of at least 6 men. I would be the one pounding my chest in victory, if you know what I mean). Lets keep an open mind to everything, my good people… politics, beliefs, and most importantly beer.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Celebratining, Monkey Style!

Your favorite ape has been celebrating all week… opening presents (mostly bananas!) and trying not to feel 28. To go along with my celebratory mood I have been drinking Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock. This beer has a malty and toasty smell, a sweet malt flavor, and pours a nice brown color. It's not too heavy and with the cooling weather, I was ready to start drinking fuller-bodied beers. Tomorrow I will be continuing the celebration with a bar-crawl (man, I wish I could walk upright).

I forgot to mention the coolest thing about this beer, besides it being extremely tasty, is it comes with a great little plastic ram ornament hanging on every bottle neck of the four-pack. I love that little detail! I must have 4 or 5 little rams hanging out in my tree house by now. What do you feed little plastic rams? Little plastic carrots?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Throwing a Monkey Wrench into the Formula... Top 10 Best Designed Bottles of Beer

I believe that design is an important part of selling anything. Unless you are a connoisseur the only thing that is influencing you when you are staring at hundreds of bottles of beer is the packaging. It has to stand out enough to make you pick it up and say "Maybe I'll try this one". After that it's up to the actual beer to speak for itself once you taste it. There are surprisingly few breweries that understand this... I congratulate the ones that have put considerable effort in trying to stand out. Here are the Top 10:

- Samuel Adams, Chocolate Bock

I love the way that they used the raised type and metal finish to create a feeling of exclusivity and fanciness. I wish they would have done something nicer with the shape of the actual sticker, but overall this Limited Edition brew feels like a special bottle of beer and that's one way to get the consumer to pick up your product. Haven't tried this bottle yet, but it looks like I might, if I find it.

#9- Hair of the Dog, Ruth All American Ale

I really like the way the type is set, the illustration of the dog, and the color scheme on this label. The bold type and color choices make this bottle stand out in a shelf full of beers, that's a good thing. All of their labels have similar designs except for different color combinations, so it also gives them a strong brand connection as well. It might not seem like anything special, but it's simple, readable, and well-crafted label caught my eye. I pretend to be as bad-ass as that dog too... but I look silly in the hat.

#8- Midnight Sun Brewing Company, Cohoho! Imperial IPA

Festive and colorful, this bottle truly does stand out from the crowd like a ape in a tracksuit (trust me... even tracksuits cant help this ape blend in to the New jersey douchebag bars). A lot of labels have clashing type and illustration styles, so the hand-illustrated type is nice because it goes perfectly with the style of the illustration and the theme of X-mas. Kudos to Midnight Sun Brewing Company for bringing out colorful and crazy labels from such a cold place (Alaska people... Alaska is bringing the heat!).

#7- Great Divide Brewing Company, Titan IPA

This is the first of these beers that I have tried (tasty), so I can tell you from experience that the design influenced me to pick up this six-pack. The Great Divide Brewing Company is located in Denver and their branding revolves around outdoor activities found in the area (from rock climbing to mountain biking). All their labels have similar type treatments and style so that their brand is coherent and speaks to the consumer that might not only share similar interest, but also to those who are just looking for a quality beer. Also the distressed type perfectly compliment the theme of getting outside and maybe a little dirty.

#6- Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Midas Touch Handcrafted Ancient Ale

I have also tried this truly interesting beer from Dogfish Head. It's one of their only beers that deviates from their shark logo labels (which I'm not a fan of), I believe that was done to differentiate it as a more premium selection from them, since the price is a bit higher than most of their other beers. The type is elegant with a ancient Greek feel without hitting you over the head wit it. The color scheme also works really well using complimentary colors (purple and a gold yellow). The thumb print adds some extra texture to it to bring some interest to a very simple label. I also really like how the thumb print is repeated and reversed (color-wise) on the bottle neck. Too bad more of Dogfish Head's packaging doesn't have the similar "golden touch" I see in this design.

#5- De Dolle Brouwers, De Dolle Ara Bier

This is one of the tastiest beers I have ever had and the main reason why I tried it is because my friend (now girlfriend and huge fan of my blog ;-) ) really liked the label when she saw it in the beer selection book at Redlight Redlight. Its playful and simple illustration style is extremely inviting and… what the hell… the label is just damn cute! The type works perfectly with the illustration and adds to it's whimsical character. If you haven't tried this beer, it's not only fun to look at, it's fun to drink. Enjoy!

#4- Kiuchi Brewery, Hitachino Nest Beer

Hitachino Nest Beers big bottle's design don't change from style to style except for the bottom sticker that reflects what style it is. I'm showing their Red Rice Ale, which I haven't tried. The bright colors and the iconic looking owl logo really stand out from the brown bottle. This beer is made in Japan and the style of the owl and the type reflect that aesthetic. The first time I tried a Nest Beer I had gotten take-out sushi and was looking for a Japanese beer to go with it that wasn't a typical Sapporo or Kirin. This beer instantly told me "I'm from Japan... and I'm interesting".

#3- Rogue Brewery, XS

Rogue Ales is one of America's best known craft beers for a reason, great tasting beers and smart marketing. All their bottle designs are great, but I really like their XS bottles. The opaque black bottle and simple vertical type really stand out. It's simple, elegant, and almost dangerous with it's color scheme of black, red, and gray. The rubber stopper is an extra element that adds to the specialness of the bottle. This beer makes me want to start a beer revolution (oh wait... I'm already trying that).

#2- Flying Dog Brewery, Flying Dog (Doggie Style) Classic Pale Ale

Flying Dog Classic Pale Ale was one of the first craft beers to come out with a provocative design and put the beer world on notice that there was a change in the wind. This funky and slightly deranged label was designed and illustrated by Ralph Steadman, The famous illustrator that collaborated with Hunter S. Thomson on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. His style gives the beer a sense of edginess by the way he attacks the paper with his ink splattering ink all over. He flings ink like I fling poop… angry but beautiful.

#1- Rogue Ales, Morimoto Imperial Pilsner

And at the top of the list is another beautifully designed bottle by Rogue Ales. For this beer they partnered with Iron Chef Morimoto and produced the Morimoto Signature series that includes the Soba Ale and Black Obi Soba Ale. This bottle stands out because of the white finish that makes the strong and colorful calligraphy really "POP" (I hate using the word "pop" but it seemed actually appropriate, for once). The colors are beautiful, the calligraphy is incredible, and the bottle as a whole is completely unique. It is one of those few bottles that doubles as a work of art that you might keep after drinking… and that makes it the beer bottle that stands out the most out of all the bottles that I've seen in my humble ape-inion.

*I'd like to thank for providing me with a resource in order to research beer bottle and label designs. Please check out their site if you are interested in finding out what other beers might have interesting labels, or just curious about finding out more about breweries and beer from around the world.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Silverback is Back… and better than ever!

Your favorite ape has been dormant for a bit... I've been battling a bout of acute laziness. It was quite serous, but I think I'll be able to pull through. I'm past the worst of it, I think.

Most people know that apes like their fruits. Some even say it's nature's dessert... although I was able to steal some cookies from an ape-loving scientist's backpack, and I have to say those were much sweeter! But that is neither here nor there. Tonight I've decided to enjoy some fruit infused beer… I tend not to like very sweet beers, so Dogfish Head's Aprihop is right up my alley. It's got a sweetness that balances itself out with the hop flavor (hence the name). Aside from the
balanced flavor, it's also very smooth and drinkable. It has a nice amber color with medium head and a light smell of apricot. The only thing disappointing about this apricot infused IPA is the super light aroma... but once I get past that it's a quite enjoyable summer beer. Get yourself a 4-pack, sit outside, and enjoy a non-dessert, fruit-infused beer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Victory over bad tasting beer!

Last weekend I was in NYC (I truly am a well traveled ape). Aside from enjoying views of the city at night from the Hudson River with someone special, seeing my dear sister, and hanging out with old friends... I came away with a new beer to place along my faves.

Victory Hop Devil! I had this devilishly good beer at a Red Sox bar called Professor Thom's. Little did I know that this gem was named one of the 10 Best Summer Beers by Details Magazine... I just chose it because I hadn't heard of it before and had a hankering for something different. It was slightly sweet, hoppy and refreshing. It was so good, I ignored the fact that a tiny roach ran across the bar as I was drinking it... had it not been so good I would have eaten that tiny roach (bugs are part of an ape's diet! I don't get grossed out at the fact that humans drink the milk of other animals). It was a great summer Ale that isn't wheat, citrusy or very light.

So, if you are hanging in your canopy, drinking nothing but Wit, Wheat or just plain light flavor beers this summer... give Victory Hop Devil a taste, your tongue will thank you!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Do Apes like fish? Maybe Some Mackerel.

The other day I was perusing the beer aisle at Knightly Spirits and I discovered something I hadn't seen before... A local Florida beer called Holy Mackerel Special Golden Ale! I grabbed a six-pack and swung back home. I decided to actually pour the beer into a glass this time and take a "sniffy sniff" (as Wine Library TV's Gary Vaynerchuck says). It's got a yellowish and lightly cloudy color. It smells a bit sweet, but has a bit of funkiness in too. Now, I've been burned by funkiness before (no... not from sniffing my own butt), so I took my first sip with trepidation. I was, thankfully, quite tasty. There was a bit of funkiness in the aftertaste... but nothing close to the funkiness I've had in some saison ales. It was a bit sweet, light, and refreshing. With 8.5% ABV it's no lightweight either. So with that, I give Holy Mackerel a couple of chest bumps. A great showing for a local brew in a state that is sadly lacking in beers with personality. Gordash Brewing Co needs to keep 'em coming.

if you dont like clicking on links... here it is the gratuitous video of a monkey falling off a tree after sniffing his butt

Friday, August 15, 2008

The (not so elusive) White Ape

Another day, another Wheat Beer. Ok, ok... I hear you saying "Another one?!?! Sheesh! Apes sure are creatures of habit." You are completely correct in your assessment, I am a creature of habit. I eat bananas every morning, pick fleas off my neighbor Coco, and swing from the same vine every day. But also remember, it's crazy hot here, and I cant be drinking stouts and darker beers in this weather... I just can't! But, with that in mind, i can drink more Pale Ales, IPAs, Ales (Belgian or otherwise. As long as it's not too heavy, of course.)

I had Avery's White Rascal for the first time a long time ago. It's one of the better known wheat beers that come from a microbrew. First of all, as a visual person, I was originally drawn to the label because of both the clever name and the way artwork plays up the character. But once I tasted it, I was a believer in the taste also. The flavors are a bit more complex and subtle than some other more commercial wheat beers (I'm looking at you Blue Moon!) It's got some nice spice and more orange than lemon to me (which I enjoy). If you haven't tried it, go get it. It's pretty easy to find and a relatively affordable buy!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fighting the good fight

Back from Puerto Rico, and as I predicted I had my fair share of Medalla Light, I also got to have some Old Harbor Brew Pale Ale from the tap at Fusion Bee (really great little restaurant in PR). Aside from those I had many other beers from the limited selection found in most San Juan bars and restaurants (Heineken, Sam Adams, and Peroni). Although the trip was fantastic and I got to see some great friends and my family... there was nothing to write home about beer-wise (except for the Old Harbor Brewery Pale Ale actually).

Old Harbor Pale Ale is a decent enough Pale Ale, though it lacks a bit of that hoppy punch that I'm used to. But compared to every other beer I had on the island, it was like the hand of my Ape God touching my lips. "What is this, Oh great Ape Lord?" "It is flavor, my son. Cherish it, for it is the gift I bestow upon thee."

Thank you, Oh, great Silverback!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Watch out Puerto Rico! You are not ready for this Damn Dirty Ape!!!

Has it been 10 years already? I still feel like a adolescent ape and not like the silverback I am. Regardless of what I feel like, today I swing off to my lovely birth place... Puerto Rico. Tomorrow I'm meeting a bunch of old classmates from ape school for a mini-reunion (the official 10 year reunion will be around X-mas time, I think)

I'm pretty sure I'll be drinking a fare share of beer while I'm there. I enjoy supporting the local economy, so I will most probably be enjoying the last remaining fully-distributed Puertorican beer... Medalla Light! Notice that I didn't just say Medalla... this is because it only comes in "Light". Sure, it doesnt have a lot of flavor (and if it does, it's not a very good one)... but, by God, it's our beer! It doesn't hurt that it's super cheap (you might be able to find it for $1.25 in certain places).

Aside from drinking Medallas all day and all night, I will be trying to visit Old San Juan's only Brew Pub (Puerto Rico's only microbrewery), The Old Harbor Brewery. I do remember enjoying their Old Harbor Brew Pale Ale when I went last time. Ahhhh Puerto Rico... this lumbering ape longs to see you and drink your fine brews!

More White Ale... and Gorillas found

Yesterday a friend of mine told me some great news! More than 100,000 rare gorillas have been found in Congo! I am amazed that this kind of discovery can still be made in a world that is increasingly smaller with every technological advancement in communications. I'm still working on this damned spear (you humans better watch out once I figure this shit out!) and maybe some cans with a string attached to talk to my buddy Coco that lives in the next tree over. In honor of this discovery I will be reviewing Mendocino White Ale.

This is Mendocino's Summer Seasonal offering. And what an offering! Refreshing with hints of orange and lemon and some nice spices coming through in the aroma. The color is very light and clear... it almost makes the Lagunitas Pils look like an amber ale in comparison. All in all a very nice White Ale. The citrus and spice flavors make me want to yell the praises of this summer seasonal as I swing from the tree canopy.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Entering the world of Pilsners... better take some extra bananas

I'm going to admit fist that I'm not a big pilsner drinker. But seeing as it's summer and I'm exploring as many refreshing beers as possible, Lagunitas Pils seemed to be a good choice at Knightly Spirits.

Although I should be, like a good beer reviewer, pouring my beer into a glass to look at color and whatnot... I drank this pilsner right out of the bottle, like the brute ape I am! It was very clean and refreshing with a very nice crisp finish. Having had Lagunitas before and knowing their penchant for using a lot of hops, I believe their Pils has a bit more of a hoppy flavor than a more traditional European pilsner... but I'm not complaining.

With the review out of the way, dear reader, I regret to inform you that this blog might be giving me monkey nightmares... I was viciously attacked by one last night at approximately 4am. I personally have a healthy respect (i.e. paralyzing fear) of monkeys. "But why? They are so cute" you ask... Because when they attack the go for the genitals and the face, and one of those is the "money maker". You can guess which one.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Brewery Spotlight: Hitachino Nest Beer

Today, this humble ape has decided to spotlight Kiuchi Brewery's Hitachino Nest Beer line. I am a huge fan ever since I tried their amazing White Ale more than a year ago. I had ordered some sushi from a restaurant near by and felt like drinking a nice Japanese beer to go with it... little did I know I would end up with this very European (Belgian) style White Ale. The only one of their line that i have heard is o.k. is the Red Rice Ale... but until I try it, I'll reserve my judgement.

So far, all the beers I've tried from them have made me feel like a silverback... pounding my chest in victory!

Beating the Heat like it was my Chest

I've gotten tired of saving empty beer bottles (yes, I wash them out!), so I can remember what beers I like and why. So I decided to photograph all the empty beer bottles I have saved so far and put them online for all to see. Now on to the first beer!

It's getting pretty hot here in sunny Orlando, FL so I've been drinking a lot of Heffenweizens, Wit Beers, and Pale Ales recently. Weyerbacher Blanche is a really nice and refreshing Wit Beer from Belgium... the land of giants and rubber stoppers, or so i've heard.
