Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Do Apes like fish? Maybe Some Mackerel.

The other day I was perusing the beer aisle at Knightly Spirits and I discovered something I hadn't seen before... A local Florida beer called Holy Mackerel Special Golden Ale! I grabbed a six-pack and swung back home. I decided to actually pour the beer into a glass this time and take a "sniffy sniff" (as Wine Library TV's Gary Vaynerchuck says). It's got a yellowish and lightly cloudy color. It smells a bit sweet, but has a bit of funkiness in too. Now, I've been burned by funkiness before (no... not from sniffing my own butt), so I took my first sip with trepidation. I was, thankfully, quite tasty. There was a bit of funkiness in the aftertaste... but nothing close to the funkiness I've had in some saison ales. It was a bit sweet, light, and refreshing. With 8.5% ABV it's no lightweight either. So with that, I give Holy Mackerel a couple of chest bumps. A great showing for a local brew in a state that is sadly lacking in beers with personality. Gordash Brewing Co needs to keep 'em coming.

if you dont like clicking on links... here it is the gratuitous video of a monkey falling off a tree after sniffing his butt

1 comment:

carla said...

i think someday you should write a book. i would buy this. the beer and the book